Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hitchhikers Beware

I know a lot of folks are not going to like this, but I threw a hitchhiker away the other day.

Yup, I'm that evil person.  The hitchhiker was found in a box a few weeks ago.  It was a playdough container with a store bought Mini Mouse and a soaked, unreadable logbook.  I thought about it a little bit and decided that it was time this particular hitchhiker left the earth, never to clutter up another letterbox.

It is something I have been considering for a while actually.  There is a lot of this out there, flash in the pan letterboxers that have planted really poor letterboxes, lousy hitchhikers and the like, never to see from them again.  Sometimes the boxes are in great places, places that when you find them you really wish the box itself were better, the location deserves better.

Some of these boxes have been out there for some time, and you just wonder, when will they finally die, pass on so that something better and more thought out can take their place.

Would it be so wrong, if the planter is no longer in the game, to help these boxes along?  Was it wrong to help this hitchhiker meet its end?  I am not so sure it would be.


wassamatta_u said...

Playdoh container and a store-bought stamp? It's almost like someone was DARING you to discard it! There's no way you could refuse that particular challenge...

Anonymous said...

Substandard hitchhikers should be disposed of properly as an act of letterboxing darwinism - preferably in a solemn ceremony involving a full moon, adult beverages, and fire.

as for substandard letterboxers . . . I suggest a moonless night.


Anonymous said...

Good for you. Some HH and boxes are best left unplanted.